Angel Earrings fuchsias
Angel Earrings fuchsias
Angel Earrings fuchsias bring the beauty of fuchsias to hot weather gardens. Semi-shade to full shade is preferred. Both the Dainty and Cascading Angel Earrings fuchsias have purple-blue center petals and a pink outer skirt.
The Dainty Angel Earrings fuchsia will produce a round, compact plant about one foot in height. It is perfect as a border planting in a bed or in a pot.
Cascading Angel Earrings fuchsia is a larger plant that arches gracefully over containers and baskets.
Asti Series Cape Daisy
Osteospermum Asti
Asti Series Cape Daisy
A very heat and drought tolerant variety, 'Asti' comes in shades of lavender, purple, and white all surrounding a dark center. The flowers reach about 2 inches wide, with tightly spaced petals held straight on long, wiry stems. Plants have a compact habit.
Sutera cordata
On creeping or cascading stems, hundreds of small, five-petaled, white flowers stand above rounded and toothed leaves. Stems can get to be a foot long,spreading across the soil surface or draping gracefully down the side of a pot.
Bellfire Begonia
Begonia, 'Bellfire'
Bellfire Begonia
A sister of the highly successful 'Bonfire' but with dark plum colored foliage and coral colored blossoms. Although somewhat less bright than 'Bonfire', it more than makes up with the lovely dark foliage.
Black Pearl Ornamental Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Black Pearl Ornamental Pepper
'Black Pearl' has deep purple, almost black leaves and fruits. The leaves will start out green, but once they hit the sun the color quickly deepens. The small black fruits, resembling black pearls, give the plant its name. Fruits mature to a dark red color. 'Black Pearl' make an excellent focal point in a container garden.
Bombay Series Fan Flower
Bombay Series Fan Flower
Fan shaped flowers bloom all season. This new series offers a trailing habit. Large colorful flowers in pink or blue. Very heat and drought tolerant. A wonderful plant in hanging baskets, container gardens, and landscape.
Bonfire Begonia
Begonia Bonfire
Bonfire Begonia
BONFIRE has an eye-catching profusion of exotic bright red-orange flowers covering up to half of the plant. BONFIRE's interesting rich green foliage has serrated edges highlighted by a red margin, and a neat, bushy growth habit.
Quickly coming into bloom in late spring, it continues to shower you with bright red-orange blooms from spring all summer long, right up until late autumn. Low maintenance, easy-care, BONFIRE can be grown in full sun or partial shade and is not afraid of summer rains or dryer summer conditions. It is ideal where masses of color are required with little or no care.
Bunny Tails Grass
Lagurus ovatus Ornamental Grass Bunny Tails
Bunny Tails Grass
This is one of those grasses that you grow first on a whim, then as an integral part of your garden! It's just that irresistible (and easy). And for an annual, it manages to give 12 months or more of beauty when you use its lovely bunny tails as Everlastings! Give it a try this season and you'll see what I mean!
Bunny Tails Grass
Lagurus ovatus Ornamental Grass Bunny Tails
Bunny Tails Grass
This grass forms low growing (under 24-inch) rounded clumps.It self seeds but is not invasive. The flowers produced July through September are remarkably like the white tails of little rabbits. This is a hardy annual so sow outdoors about 3 weeks before last average frost date or in late summer.Indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost.
This attractive foliage plant is great for containers and under planting. Although coleus will usually survive in sun, the color of the leaves is enhanced in the shade. Small, insignificant flowers will appear late summer. Pinch off blooms and growing shoots of young plants to encourage bushier foliage. It prefers moist but well drained soil. Common pests to watch for include mealy bug, aphids and white fly.
Dahlia (miniature)
Dahlia hybrida 'Dahlietta Mix'
Dahlia (miniature)
Dahlia's are a multi purpose flower. They can be grown outdoors in containers or beds... or kept indoors in a sunny location as a flowering house plant
Plant Dahlias Dahlletta Mix in full sun to partial shade in fertile well drained soil. Dahlias are heavy feeders and benefit greatly from frequent light fertilizing. Feed Dahlia's weekly with a balanced liquid plant food. From spring to early summer use a high nitrogen feed... and from mid summer to first frost use a high potassium food. Remove spent flowers to promote new flower growth.
Dahlias can be moved indoors before first frost to a sun room or sunny window that receives 6 hours of direct sunshine.
Dahlia flowers are excellent for cutting, and attracting butterflies.
Diamond Frost, Euphorbia
Euphorbia, 'Diamond Frost'
Diamond Frost, Euphorbia
Heat- and drought-tolerant plants; clouds of airy white flowers all season; low maintenance
= Adaptable as a Houseplant
= Best Seller
= Deadheading Not Necessary
= Deer Resistant
= Drought Tolerant *
= Heat Tolerant
= Landscape Plant
Diascia hybrid
Diascias are essential to the window box and mixed container. Their tremendous flower production creates a stunning contrast with the deep green foliage and strong growth habit.
Double Impatiens
Double Impatiens
An abundance of blooms. Double impatiens provide vivid color and are easy to grow! There is no need to remove faded flowers or prune.
Double Profusion Series Zinnia
Zinnia 'Profusion Double'
Double Profusion Series Zinnia
The Profusion series thrives on heat and prefers things on the dry side. Super tough bloomer that needs little care and blooms profusely. Shades of double cherry, or double fire. Twice the petal power of the other 'Profusion' Zinnias!
Dragon Wing Red Begonia
Begonia 'Bepared' Dragon Wing Red
Dragon Wing Red Begonia
Frost tender perennial. Grown as an annual. It is noted for its tolerance to hot and humid summers. It is easily grown in average to moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soils in full sun to full shade. Generally appreciates some afternoon shade. Plants are best with consistent moisture throughout the growing season, but will tolerate some short periods of drought.
Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost date, purchase starter plants or take cuttings from overwintered plants. Set plants out after last frost date. Container plants may be cut back in fall and overwintered indoors. Cool location with reduced watering. Propagation from seed can be difficult due to the small size of the seed, and seed should not be sown directly in the garden.
Easy Wave Petunia
Petunia x hybrida 'Easy Wave'
Easy Wave Petunia
Grow beautiful containers and beds fast and easy! One of the best attributes of Easy Wave is that it has the same great spreading habit as Wave, but with a little more height. You can also plant them just about any place you want loads of bold color! Blooms shades of pink, white and red.
Fanfare New Guinea Impatiens
Impatiens 'Fanfare series'
Fanfare New Guinea Impatiens
Until now, many Impatiens flagged in midsummer, but the Fanfare+ varieties add exceptional heat tolerance to their list of virtues: free-flowering, vigorous, well-branched plants with a trailing habit, ideal for spilling out of baskets, window boxes, containers, and borders. The perfect choice for shady gardens. They combine well with other shade-lovers like hostas or ferns. Blooms in shades of fuchsia and orchid.
Fiber Optic Grass
Isolepsis cernua
Fiber Optic Grass
Fine green foliage and tiny flowers that resemble fiber optic lights set at the end of slender stems. The leaves of this grass are almost hair-like and has white to near white flowers.
Fuchsias are actually tender perennials that are grown as annuals outside tropical regions. Plant them outside in spring after all danger of frost has passed. They need rich, well-drained soil and ample moisture. They do best in areas with cool summers; they don't like heat, humidity, or drought.
Gaura lindheimeri
Gaura is a clump-forming, vase-shaped, somewhat shrubby plant which typically grows 3-4' tall and is perhaps best known for its 4-petaled, butterfly-like flowers and long bloom period (spring to early autumn). Pinkish buds along wiry, erect, wand-like stems open to white flowers which slowly fade to pink. Flowers appear in long, open, panicles and open only a few at a time. Narrow, stemless leaves are occasionally spotted with maroon.
Pelargonium x hortorum 'Geranium'
Geraniums are among the most popular flowering plants. Outdoors, they are used as annual bedding plants, in hanging baskets, in pots and in window boxes. Indoors, they are cultured as houseplants in sunny locations.
Common geraniums are actually members of the genus Pelargonium, while members of the genus Geranium include native wildflowers and herbaceous perennials. Major types of common geraniums grown by home gardeners include the following:
Gerbera Daisy
Gerbera jamesonii (Revolution Series)
Gerbera Daisy
Gerbera daisies in the Revolution series are compact tender perennials that are ideal for containers and mixed beds. They produce very large, colorful daisies year-round (with blooming peaks in late spring and late fall). These may be white, orange, yellow, red or rose and appear above evergreen mounds of large, shallowly lobed, dark green leaves. They also have very large centers in various contrasting colors. Spent flowers should be removed to encourage further blooms.
Gerbera Daisy
Gerbera jamesonii (spider series)
Gerbera Daisy
All color mix of spider flower type, unusual novelty, consistently large flowers, multiple blooms at any time, early, one of the easiest, best pot items, popular on any holidays.
German Ivy, Cape Ivy, German Ivy, Parlor Ivy
Delairea odorata
German Ivy, Cape Ivy, German Ivy, Parlor Ivy
Easy to grow and ideal for hanging baskets, German Ivy has the same soft look as English Ivy.
Golden Millet Grass (Chartreuse)
Milium effusum 'Aureum'
Golden Millet Grass (Chartreuse)
Most grasses, and grass-like plants require full sun, but this grass is the exception to the rule. The bonus is that the delicate chartreuse leaves will brighten a shady corner in any modern grass garden - or any garden.
Heliotrope ‘Marine’
Heliotropium arborescens
Heliotrope ‘Marine’
Heliotrope 'Marine' is a great plant in the landscape or planter. It has a rich deep violet-blue blooms growing in 2" clusters atop dark green, deeply ribbed suede-like leaves. This plant is a great choice for mixed planters with its rich foliage and purple flower clusters. The Heliotropium plant is often called Heliotrope and is great for attracting Butterflies.
Heliotrope ‘Marine’
Heliotrope ‘Marine’
The plants prefer full sun and even moisture and they will winter easily indoors. They open royal purple and slowly fade to lavender.Unlike other varieties bred for deeper color, 'Fragrant Delight' preserves the vanilla perfume that, to our mind, makes a Heliotrope a Heliotrope. Not suitedto southern growing conditions; perennial in western zones 9-10.
Khaki weed
Khaki weed
These tender perennials are usually grown as annuals,although they may be hardy to zone 8. Set out plants in the spring when all danger of frost has passed. Allow four inches between plants for a carpeted effect; otherwise, set them twelve inches apart. Provide full sun and moderately fertile soil with good drainage. Pinch back occasionally to keep the plant bushy. Propagate by taking cuttings. Cuttings one to two inches in length root quickly.
King Tut Grass
Egyptian Papyrus
King Tut Grass
Cyperus Papyrus is not hardy enough to survive winters with freezing temperatures and it is not a candidate to overwinter inside. It is a very fast grower and will quickly grow to impressive size when replanted in the spring.
Lanai Verbena
Verbena 'Lanai'
Lanai Verbena
Lanai is an attention grabbing Verbena in shades of crimson, purple, rose, and red. Simply the best trailing Verbena. Has excellent resistance to powdery mildew. Flowers early and is free flowering from tip to crown.
Lantana (Bandana series)
Lantana camara 'Bandana'
Lantana (Bandana series)
Bandana series plants are very well-branched with a nice, uniform, mounding habit and offer significantly larger flowers than traditional Lantana varieties. These early flowering varieties come in a range of eye-catching colors. They grow 20-26" tall and 24-32" wide. Flowers begin yellow, maturing to a soft pink, cherry, or gold. Lantana makes a nice ground cover for very hot, dry areas with poor soil conditions. They bloom all summer long.
Lemon Delight Melampodium
Melampodium paludosum 'Lemon Delight'
Lemon Delight Melampodium
An excellent companion to the well-established Million Gold, Lemon Delight features pale yellow, 1 in. flowers on 8-10 in. well-branched plants. A heat and humidity loving plant, this variety will excel as a low maintenance garden and landscape annual.
Lisianthus (Texas Bluebell)
Eustoma grandiflorum
Lisianthus (Texas Bluebell)
Lisianthus will provide gardeners their favorite blue or pink color throughout the gardening season. The large 2+-inch single blue or pink flowers decorate the vigorous plants. Plants have a distinct branching habit, benefiting the gardener with more blooms and a dense plant reaching up to 8-12 in. tall. Proven to be heat and wind tolerant, will benefit from deadheading. These well-groomed, attractive plants are perfectly adaptable to patio containers.
Madagascar periwinkle, rose periwinkle
Catharanthus roseus
Madagascar periwinkle, rose periwinkle
Cora is a very well-branched, heavy-blooming plant about 14 to 16 inches high and 25 inches wide. The blooms are a dark shade of red or burgundy, and they appear right down to the ground. Flowering heavily all summer (and sometimes in late spring and early fall as well!), this plant is eye-catching and very, very easy to grow.
Magadi Blue Lobelia
Lobelia 'Magadi'
Magadi Blue Lobelia
Outstanding, blue flowers with a white center on a semi-trailing plant habit. Does best in part shade. A very vigorous grower with good heat performance.
Magellan Series Zinnia
Zinnia 'Magellan'
Magellan Series Zinnia
Zinnia 'Magellan' are uniform, bushy, free flowering plants that produce large, fully double blooms of exceptional quality and weather resistance. Ideal when planted in borders and containers for a knock out display all summer. Scarlet or yellow flowers.
Marguerite Daisy
Marguerite Daisy
Argyranthemum is often mistaken foror offered as Chrysanthemum.
It is a great plant in containers where it isn't hardy.
Care: Provide full sun and well-drained soil. Pinch out the growing tips toencourage a compact habit. Prune in early to mid-spring.
Propagation:Root greenwood or semi-ripe cuttings of non-flowering shoots, 2 to 4inches long, in late summer or mid-spring. Overwinter young plants in acool greenhouse.
Problems: Coarse-leaved species and cultivars are prone to crown gall and chrysanthemum leaf miner.
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